Holly’s Magical Snowman, caring for the environment!

Thinking of contacting the publishers with a view to going in for the Waterstones children’s book awards 2024, best book for younger readers and best illustration, because the publishers did such a fantastic job with the illustrations so why not. Children aged 5 to 8 years love strong visuals in a book, and this book gives them precisely that amount of detail.
I will be contacting the schools in early September, well the literacy co-ordinators, with a view to having some reading sessions for the kids at my local library. The timing will be right in the run up to Christmas. Fifteen minutes to go through the book and then fifteen minutes of questions from the kids.
Climate change is a constant subject on our TV screens, e.g. the climate show on Sky, getting the kids interested in a very important subject and from an early age is what my book is all about.
Sub text references are important, the subliminal metaphor, “The clock is ticking”, an expression used many times by TV commentators to describe the whole issue of climate change and environmental concerns, all this is in my book, and can be explained at the end of the read.

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